Main lesson books are a wonderful tool for homeschooling families as well as simply a way to document your child's art and learning. The main lesson book serves as a repository for collecting your child's work around a particular subject, all in one place. Your child will fill the pages with beautiful drawings, maps, diagrams, number patterns and equations, geometric drawings, form drawings and more.
The main lesson book is different than a sketchbook as it serves as a place for final work, rather than practice work. Our own children love to look back through their main lesson books. Creating their own "textbook," of sorts, helps them to internalize and own the material in a way that traditional textbooks cannot.
Children generally begin creating main lesson books around kindergarten age and continue through middle school, even through eighth grade. If using for homeschool you might consider having one for language arts and social studies, one for science, and one for math. A typical student will fill up six to eight main lesson books in a standard school year. Parents of younger children may want to purchase a set for themselves so that they can work alongside their child.
These lined main lesson books are suitable for older children who are comfortable creating their own compositions.
- Lined book 32 pages (or 16, double-sided pages)
- 11.7" x 8.3" (A4)
- Blue Cover
- Germany
- Ages 4